Basic Usage


To install the package, run the following command:

pip install sphinx-autodoc-toolbox

This will install the package and its dependencies.


Collapsible members

To use the collapsible members for autoclass, add the following to your Sphinx configuration file:

extensions = [

Then, in your documentation, use the autodoc directives to generate the docs just as you would normally. below if an example incorporating with the autoclasstoc extension:

class example.Example

This is an example class

Public Data Attributes:


This is a public attribute

Public Methods:


This is the constructor of the Example class


This is a public method

Private Methods:


This is a private method

Member Details:


This is the constructor of the Example class


list of weak references to the object (if defined)


This is a private method

attribute = 1

This is a public attribute


This is a public method